Heart-wrenching sight: A beloved canine’s agony as it’s pierced by a multitude of golden quills, from snout to tail.

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, Thor’s owner discovered his beloved dog covered in numerous feathers, looking like a golden brown hedgehog. The poor pooch had feathers sticking out of his muzzle, forehead, nose, ears, and legs.
Adriano Bertoline, Thor’s owner who was currently out of work, faced a dilemma when he realized he couldn’t foot the hefty vet bill. In a stroke of genius, he set up an online fundraiser to gather funds for Thor’s much-needed treatment.

Local politician Dr. Jose Roberto Apolari came to the rescue, taking Thor to the hospital and providing financial aid. The three-year-old had bravely faced a porcupine for the second time in a year, resulting in severe injuries.

Just found out my dog Thor got impaled by porcupine quills! I posted online asking for help with getting him medical treatment. Good morning, everyone! Woke up to this scary situation with my pup. Any vets or hospitals willing to help? Worried about the cost. Let’s get Thor the care he needs.

City Councilor Dr. Jose Roberto Apolari came to the aid of a dog owner in need after hearing their plea for help. The thankful owner, Adriano, expressed their gratitude in a Facebook post, referring to Dr. Apolari as an “angel” in their dog’s life due to their inability to afford a private vet. Adriano, who is currently unemployed and caring for four children, stated that the city council brought the dog, Thor, to their home after the vet visit was taken care of.

Thor’s owner mentioned that this was the second time the dog had a run-in with a porcupine within a year. Back in February of 2021, Adriano’s pal, who was employed at a private veterinary facility at the time, assisted in treating the wounded pup.

The dog went after the porcupine, but it was hard to tell right away how he was holding up.

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